When you login to your web interface and launch a new desktop, it might not launch and you might get this error in the application event log on the server:
Source: Citrix Web Interface
Event ID: 30105
The Citrix servers do not trust the server. This message was reported from
the XML Service at address http://localhost/scripts/wpnbr.dll
[Unique Log ID: xxxxxxxx]
In previous versions of Presentation Server, the way to set the XML Trust was to go to your Access Management Console and edit the Properties of the each server. There would be an “XML Service” property near the bottom in the left navigation you could click on. Check the “Trust XML requests sent to the XML Service” box and hit OK. For the whole farm, open up the farm Properties and go to Farm-wide > XenApp > General and check the “XML Service DNS address resolution” check box and hit OK.
In previous versions of XenDesktop, you could go to your DDC and open up the Delivery Services console, right click on the farm properties go to Farm-wide > Desktop Delivery Controller > General and check the “XML Service DNS address resolution” and hit OK.
In XenApp 6.0, 6.5, etc. you need to open Delivery Services Console or AppCenter and go to Policies and hit the Computer tab. Edit the Unfiltered policy and find the XML Service near the bottom in the left hand navigation. When you click it, you will see “Trust XML requests”. Hit Add and set it to “Enabled” so the Citrix XML Service will trust requests sent to it and hit OK.
All this is from memory so if I missed something, let me know. I don’t have any consoles in front of me for the different environments at the moment except Desktop Studio or I would post screenshots for you. Let me know if you need them and I’ll take some screenshots this evening when I have a bit more time.
And now for the whole reason for this blog post. In XenDesktop 5.0, 5.5, etc., the Desktop Studio console does not have this option if you look in the Unfiltered policy under HDX Policy. That’s a totally different policy. You have to set the XML Trust via PowerShell now. So to set an XML Trusts policy, open up PowerShell and if you haven’t already, add the Citrix snapin which will give you the ability to use the Citrix cmdlets:
asnp citrix.*
Now enable the XML Trust:
Set-BrokerSite -TrustRequestsSentToTheXmlServicePort $true
Done, if everything goes well, you should see no confirmation or error messages like this:
Now if you logout of your web interface, log back in, then attempt to launch the desktop, it should come right up and there are no more errors in your application event log.